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Patient Engagement Group
This group is made up of patients of the practice who have offered their services on a voluntary basis. The role of the group is to provide a link between the practice and its patients.
These patients are involved in decisions about the range and quality of services we provide, some of which may lead to changes in these services.
Aims of the group
- Advising the practice on the patient perspective and helping to ensure that the service offered by the practice is designed to improve patient experience.
- Running health promotion events and promoting self-care so that patients can play a full part in understanding and looking after their own health.
- Raising awareness of the activities of the practice and other support that is available to patients, as well as relaying information back to the practice.
- Contributing to decisions related to issues such as new practice premises, and advising on design of services from a patient perspective so that resources are used efficiently and effectively.
- Other support activities such as fund-raising to improve the practice services by the procurement of additional equipment, research related to patient needs and views, running volunteer services and organising support groups.
Click on the link below for the groups ground rules:
Join Us
Our Patient Group members (PEG) attend our group meetings, this is where a small number of patients meet regularly at the practice.
We are keen for more patients to join our group, for further details on how to join please ask for a form at reception or email our Patient Liaison Officer at At the moment the group is full, although we do have a virtual group who are kept informed about meetings and contribute via the Patient Liaison Officer to meetings.
Getting Your View
The group would like to contact patients on occasion by email and/or text so that they can obtain the views of the widest group of patients possible. We would like to obtain your email address and mobile phone number to do this. Please complete the Patient Contact Form to provide your consent for this.