Clinics We Offer

social prescribing

Social Prescriber Link Worker - Jess Ryan

Within our practice we have access to a social prescribing service.

The social prescriber provides a personal plan of your needs by drawing on services outside of the NHS such as the voluntary sector and charities. Jess provides support for patients who may be experiencing social isolation, chronic medical conditions, bereavement, mental health issues and lifestyle issues she also provides support for carers and the people they look after. The service includes giving advice on welfare, housing and employment. You can self refer through any of our medical team. 

Musculoskeletal specialist

Muscle or joint pains, strains, sprains or joint stiffness?
Have you considered seeing a musculoskeletal specialist?

The musculoskeletal specialist can assess you and give you some advice on how to manage your problem or refer you to the community services.

• Back or neck pain              • Hip or knee pain
• Shoulder pain                    • Other joint pain
• Osteoarthritis                    • Sprains & strains
• Sports injuries                   • Trapped nerves

Please speak to the reception team for more information and to book your appointment



A yearly flu vaccination is strongly recommended for all patients with certain chronic diseases (such as asthma, COPD, diabetes, heart disease etc.,) and all patients of 65 and over and children, in line with the most current flu guidelines (which may change from year to year). We run flu clinics from September onwards. If you are uncertain whether or not you are eligible, please contact reception who can check for you.

Pneumococcal vaccinations are recommended for patients with chronic diseases and everyone age 65 and over.  These will be offered at the same time as the flu vaccine if you are eligible but can also be offered all year round. (please note , this is a single vaccine and does not need to be repeated).

Some people are at higher risk of serious illness, complications or even death if they catch flu, which is why the Department of Health recommends flu vaccination for them. 

Shingles vaccinations; there is currently a national shingles vaccination programme.  If you are eligible, the surgery will contact you to arrange for this to be done.


Family Planning

We provide confidential advice and offer a full family planning service, including coil and implant fitting.



Cervical Smears

These are done by the practice nurses.  The National screening campaign will invite you to a repeat smear every three years, from the age of 25 to 50 and every five years from the age of 50 to 64.  If you feel an appointment is overdue, please check with reception.

a close up of a knife

Minor Surgery and Cryotherapy

Minor surgery is performed at the practice. Your doctor will discuss this with you first.



Maternity Care

The community midwives holds regular clinics to care for our pregnant patients and support mothers post-delivery.  Antenatal care will be shared between midwives and the doctor.

a person holding a baby

Child Health Clinics

Our practice nurses carry out vaccinations for our babies and regular clinics are carried out by community health visitors, who are able to give advice on problems, such as, feeding, sleeping problems and will weigh your child.

a hand holding a cell phone

Annual Reviews

Any patient suffering from a chronic disease (asthma, diabetes, heart disease etc.) will be invited annually for a review with the practice sister/doctor.  This will usually happen during the month of your birthday.


National Breast Screening Service

The breast screening routine mammogram service calls patients from each practice every 3 years.

Patients in the eligible age group who are registered with Darwin Medical Practice will be sent an invitation to have a routine mammogram.

Please note, if you have any concerns or symptoms you should make an appointment at the practice and not wait for your routine screening letter.

Care Co-Ordinator

Care Co-Ordinator - Kelly Bacon

The Care Co-Ordinator has a number of functions:

  • Supporting and monitoring specific cohorts of patients.
    • Palliative, Care home, Frailty/housebound, frequent flyers, dementia
    • Maintaining related disease registers 
  • Processing and facilitating referrals
    • OT, Physio, SALT, Falls, Wheelchair Services
    • Delayed ssecondary care processes
  • Supporting transitions of care
    • Post discharge follow up
  • Improving data and coding to help better identify patients who need support 
    • Getting Next of Kin details, communicating plans with family members
    • Monitoring carer registers